Saturday, December 23, 2017

What wisdom and omnipotence of God is revealed in His using the service of the CCP government and the religious world? | Eastern Lightning

8. What wisdom and omnipotence of God is revealed in His using the service of the CCP government and the religious world? (2)

Look at how the great red dragon blasphemes and slanders God, is it not, as a foil, rendering service to Him? What results are achieved through the service rendered by this foil? For those of you who do not love the truth, it overthrows and binds you and blocks your path to the entrance of the kingdom of heaven. For those who love the truth, it allows them to be perfected. The more that the great red dragon judges, resists, discredits and blasphemes Christ, the more they will pursue the truth and the more they will dispose of their notions, ultimately becoming more compatible with Christ. Is this not the use that the great red dragon has as a foil? So, in the Book of Revelation it is said: “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still … and he that is holy, let him be holy still” (Rev 22:11). You see. He that is unjust encounters the great red dragon doing this or that, and then he gives up his faith. He eliminates himself. For those who love the truth, the more they see the great red dragon blaspheme, disparage and attack Christ, the more they hate the great red dragon and the more they seek the truth; ultimately the effect that will be achieved is that they will be completely compatible with Christ, without a single notion about Him. And so is fulfilled God’s word that His work in the last days is to save and perfect the truth-seekers, and to reveal, eliminate and condemn those who do not love the truth, who hate the truth. Think about those who have some notions. As soon as they fellowship in the truth their notions will be resolved, and eventually they will come to have a deeper love of God. They know that these words spoken by the devil are only lies, which almost make them fall, almost ruin them, so they have even more hate for Satan the devil. For those who listen to the rumors and lies of the great red dragon, who carry notions and retreat and no longer believe, one day will come when God will appear publicly and say: “I am the Almighty God that you have persecuted and condemned.” And they shall weep and gnash their teeth! Whom can you blame? Why did you have notions and leave the church? Why did you not seek the truth? Why did you not read more of the word of God? Why did you believe the devil’s words? Some people have notions, but whenever brothers and sisters in God’s house fellowship with them out of love, some of these people’s notions will be alleviated or eliminated, and they will accept God’s work in the last days. But for some people, no matter how our brothers and sisters fellowship, it will be of no avail. Today after our fellowship is over their notions will be settled, but tomorrow when they see some bad things, once again, they will have notions. Then, our brothers and sisters will once again fellowship with them to settle these notions, and then the day after when these people see negative things, once again, they will fall down. They will continuously stand up and fall down, stand up and fall down, but in the end they will still be fallen, and eventually no one will regard them. This kind of people enjoy the words of the devil, they do not love the word of God. These people will be kicked aside, the church does not want them. They can fall down one or two times, but they are not allowed to be fallen forever, and it is in this way that some people are eliminated.
from Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life, Volume 139
Outsiders consistently resist, oppose and condemn and the wave of resistance is getting higher and higher. What is the effect of the external voice of opposition, persecution and condemnation on these people? It has the effect of making people pursue the truth. As soon as people hear negative words they will naturally become skeptical and wish to investigate, seek and will always want to figure this out. Afraid of being deceived, they will examine the work of God by fellowshiping about the vision and God’s work and will gradually have a little understanding of God’s words, will no longer be skeptical and their heart will be at ease and able to quieten down and pursue the truth. Until the day they hear the voice of condemnation again and they will feel skeptical for a while, investigate again, pray again to God, seek the truth again, communicate again and understand a bit more clearly again, resulting in them feeling calm again…. After calming down, they will pursue the truth for a while and will feel illuminated and free from anxiety. After feeling free from anxiety for a while, they have notions again when some aspects of God’s work do not match their views and ideas and they then have doubts again and ponder again, “I must investigate and work this out.” They examine it over and over and see that “It is all right. It is not wrong at all.” They then feel free from anxiety again. This is how the way is completely determined as the true way through several repeated twists and turns. Have you also gone through such a process? Everyone has. So what is the effect on us of opposition, rejection and condemnation by the whole religious community? It spurs us on even more to pursue the truth and examine the true way. This is also a step in Satan’s service for God’s work. We know what role they play, don’t we?
from The Fellowship From the Above
Today the great red dragon has fabricated so many rumors and discredited God and the Church of Almighty God and some people have been revealed that they believe the great red dragon’s rumors and Satan’s lies and do not believe that God is the truth and that God is holy. Tell me, what is the problem with this? Does this reveal whether or not people have true faith in the presence of God and whether you believe in the truth and God or believe in Satan? This is when people and their problems are revealed. So in His last days’ work, what does God hope to achieve by allowing the great red dragon to render a service in this way and all of Satan’s evil forces to do these things? On the one hand, it is to perfect those who pursue the truth and on the other hand it is to reveal all those who do not love the truth and eliminate all those false believers. Now those people who do not love the truth and do not believe in God have been revealed and eliminated. You see, are God’s good intentions not present in Satan rendering a service in this way? Some people cannot see it. This is a good thing! Look and see how those people who pursue the truth are? After God’s chosen people in Mainland China have been through a period of being traced and arrested, framed, judged, set up and discredited by the great red dragon, ninety-nine per cent of people stand firm and hate the great red dragon even more and their belief in God is even truer. These people have become unbeatable by Satan. It is only the minority of individuals who are taken in and passively retreat. What is it like with the great red dragon? They still think that national suppression and destruction of the Church of Almighty God has been successful when actually they did not think that all those videos of life experience, of hymns and of God’s words and articles of testimony of the Church of Almighty God have been put online overnight. “Oh! How have so many movies been put online overnight? Where are these people? These people have not been wiped out or suppressed. On the contrary, they are even stronger!” Does this not humiliate Satan? Have these people been defeated? They have not. On the contrary, they are even stronger. How are these people who are in pursuit of the truth now? They are even stronger. Many brothers and sisters stand up, have strength and have the path of the pursuit of the truth the moment they have seen the latest twelve passages of God’s words. “We seek to act as Job and to become people who fear God and shun evil.” After experiencing this national large-scale suppression by the great red dragon, God’s chosen people are even stronger. Not only have they not decreased in number, but they have actually increased. There are less who recede than join in. What is this issue? This is the power of God’s words and the power of the truth. The word of God can accomplish everything. What role do all those demonic words and various evil practices and the arrests, persecution and torture of God’s chosen people by the great red dragon play? It serves the life growth of God’s chosen people. People who have come out of prison believe in God even more and know even better that Almighty God is the true God and someone that can be relied on and that the word of Almighty God is incomparably powerful! The word of Almighty God can be people’s life. This is completely true. The great red dragon never imagined that after this period of suppression, not only would they not have destroyed the Church of Almighty God, but on the contrary, God’s chosen people of the Church of Almighty God would be even stronger and would enter into the reality of truth even more and give beautiful resounding testimonies. … Now the whole world of nonbelievers is beginning to have a little knowledge of the Church of Almighty God and of Almighty God. After experiencing this propaganda and suppression by the great red dragon and this period of defamation, people all start to wake up and some people start to investigate the Church of Almighty God. People wonder, “How powerful is this Church of Almighty God? How can it let the great red dragon mobilize the whole nation to take concerted action to suppress it? Why is this Church of Almighty God so appealing?” People ponder this but fail to find the answer despite much thought. Finally, they go online to investigate and discover that Almighty God’s words are so true, so practical and that they are all the truth! The great red dragon is most afraid of the words of Almighty God and of all the truths that Almighty God uttered spreading throughout the world and across the universe. This is why it spares no effort in suppressing the Church of Almighty God. Do not forget! Everything can be accomplished by the word of Almighty God. It can change the world and can change mankind. Do you believe these words? (Yes.) From now on, the word of God will gain more and more attention from the whole of mankind and people will start to profoundly rethink: “How powerful is the word of Almighty God and does it deserve to be suppressed by the CCP?” People will start to pay attention to the word of God, but the awakening of mankind is slow. The twenty-first century is the era of the word of Almighty God wielding power. The book, The Word Appears in the Flesh, is the first most famous book of the next era which is praised and held in high esteem by people. It is also the brilliant blockbuster of the next era, guiding and leading mankind! In the next era, the whole of mankind must read The Word Appears in the Flesh and treat this book as life’s greatest classic work. Later more and more people will start to read the word of Almighty God. This will certainly come true. This is a fact which God wishes to complete. When the great red dragon suppresses the Church of Almighty God to the extreme, the fruits of this work will come into effect; once a certain limit is reached a change in the opposite direction is inevitable! If they do not suppress in this way, could the whole of mankind come to read the word of God? Could they examine the word of Almighty God? It could not be so. Every day we carry our backpacks to spread the gospel and give out books yet we cannot achieve this outcome. This can only come about by the great red dragon suppressing in this way! As soon as I see the great red dragon suppressing in this way, I say that God is so wise and that this move is so good. This one outcome cannot be achieved no matter what our Church of Almighty God does. This matter must have their service. If they do not render their service, then we cannot achieve this outcome. Do you see this fact? (Yes.) What has China become now? The center of world attention. The Chinese government’s every move arouses the world’s attention. So as soon as China suppresses the Church of Almighty God, the whole world pays attention and people ask: “What is actually wrong with the Church of Almighty God? Why does the Chinese government suppress it so hard? Why does the Chinese government hate the Church of Almighty God so much?” The Chinese government does not give an answer or a conclusion. They say that you are a cult, but do not say anything else and persistently suppress you. People say: “What do you base saying that they are a cult on? Tell me how they are evil. What is this based on?” They cannot say. They do not say and they are unable to say! What is the scripture of the Church of Almighty God? The Word Appears in the Flesh. Do they dare shine the light on this book? Do they dare to say that this book is an evil book? They do not dare say so, nor shine a light on it. They are afraid that everyone around the world will come and see. As a result, we highlight and hold aloft The Word Appears in the Flesh on our websites, on websites around the world and in all videos of God’s house and let it gleam. We always mention this book. As soon as people see the Church of Almighty God, they will first see The Word Appears in the Flesh and will all understand “this is the classic work of the Church of Almighty God! After reading this book we will know what the Church of Almighty God is all about.” Now people are all starting to read and study it. … Some people say: “How does your Church of Almighty God dare to confront the great red dragon? Is your confrontation with them not a hopeless battle?” Nonbelievers say that this is a hopeless battle, but what do us believers see it as? In God’s hands, the great red dragon is the defeated general and a chess piece and is rendering a service for God’s work. They have rendered a step of good service, and the work of separating all according to their kind is completed by the service rendered by the great red dragon. Those who do not love the truth and do not hate the great red dragon are revealed and eliminated through the great red dragon’s service. Those who pursue the truth but who have not distinguished the great red dragon’s satanic nature can see through the great red dragon and distinguish it through the service which the great red dragon renders and can truly betray the great red dragon. Do you see the effect this has now? These outcomes are all achieved by the great red dragon’s service. If it did not render such service, no matter how God’s family would water and lead, it would not be enough. Some service is needed from the great red dragon. From this, we again see that God is so almighty and that God’s wisdom is exercised based on Satan’s cunning schemes. Countless facts can prove that this statement is all true and not wrong at all. Everyone can come up with a lot of evidence to prove it is so. The great red dragon is God’s foil and God’s product of service. The more you look, the truer and more real it is and thus one’s faith in God and knowledge of God’s work is even greater. God is so almighty. So it is too fitting that God’s name is Almighty God!
from “Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word ‘God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself III’ (III)” in Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (XI)
In the nation of the great red dragon, God selected the great red dragon as His foil and a service doer. Tell me, how does the great red dragon do? The great red dragon does very “well” and performs “remarkably well”! What manifestations are there of doing “remarkably well”? Its satanic nature and desires have given maximum yield and it mobilized the manpower, material resources and natural resources of the whole nation to resist God’s work and oppose God. It has been tormented by God so much that it has been thrown into confusion and battered and bruised. So it can be said that it has performed “remarkably well.” What practices has it adopted? Its search for, arrest and persecution of God’s chosen people across the whole nation has reached its limits. It has also mobilized media throughout the nation to wantonly misrepresent and condemn God’s work and has carried this out to extremes. So is it true that this “service” has spread “Almighty God” to the whole world? (Yes.) Now every nation in the world knows the Church of Almighty God. Even Israel knows about it and Israel’s newspapers have even published this news! How effective is the great red dragon’s service? It should get God’s “commendation” now. “Commendation” is in quotation marks and means punishment.
from “Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word ‘God Himself, the Unique I’ XII” in Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (XII)
Some people do not know and say: “What is righteousness? What is holiness? What actually is the light?” Now if you are asked to speak about your own experience and to understand based on Gods work, some people will be unable to speak about it. If you are asked to speak of letters and doctrines then that is okay and you all can say a whole set, but there is nothing when speaking of reality. You do not have any understanding of God’s righteousness and God’s holiness, but do you have knowledge of Satan’s evilness, meanness and shamelessness? You should have knowledge of this, right? What aspects of God’s disposition do you think Satan’s extreme meanness and shamelessness can act as a foil for? Righteousness, justice and honorability. God acts in a just and honorable manner, right? (Right.) The great red dragon is overwhelming in its slander, judgment, fabrications, framing and discrediting of the Church of Almighty God. Is this a public fact? (Yes.) Is the great red dragon righteous? Does the great red dragon have light? (No.) From what they do, we can see clearly that they are so mean and shameless, able to distort the facts, confuse right and wrong, slander and spread rumors and experts in defamation! Does the essence of all that the great red dragon not represent the evil of Satan? (Yes.) Under this background, did God get angry with them? Did God destroy them? (Not yet.) What did God do then? For the time being God endures them and still justly and honorably witnesses God’s work and lets God’s chosen people speak about their experiences, spontaneously witness God, write articles, make films, sing hymns and put them on the Internet. Then let people around the world come and comment and let all those who have eyes and ears and can see and hear be clear about this fact: Is it God who is righteous or Satan? Is it God who has the truth or Satan? Is it God who is just and honorable or Satan? Isn’t this what God does? (Yes.) This enables us to see that God does this “Because God is just, of the light and flawlessly holy” (“God Himself, the Unique II” in Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh). God is not afraid of Satan’s defamation, slander and judgment. God does not care! God does His work, utters His words and leads God’s chosen people to enter the truth and achieve knowledge of God as before. This shows that God is just and honorable, holy and pure! When God has finished uttering all that He wishes to and has finished watering, providing for and feeding God’s chosen people and their knowledge of God has been achieved, that is when the demise of the great red dragon will be. That is when the wrath of God will be unleashed and when all enemy forces will be destroyed. From this, we can see that God truly is almighty! Right? (Right.) From the reactions online, we can see that some people are starting to wake up and see the word of Almighty God, the films and testimonies of God’s house and to recognize that this is a positive energy, that these people are positive and the great red dragon is negative and evil and that the great red dragon’s slander, rumors and attacks are all unfounded. So the messages online have also changed. Even nonbelievers do not stand on the side of the great red dragon. They do not believe their outright lies and many people are willing to seek and investigate the truth. What does this prove? That God is the light, that God is holy, righteous, and almighty and will always triumph and that Satan will always fail! No matter how frenzied and how disguised those dark evil forces are, one day sooner or later their true colors will be revealed!
from “Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word ‘God Himself, the Unique II’ VI” in Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (XII)
In God’s work, God permits antichrists, all sorts of evil spirits and wicked people to enter His church. He permits the great red dragon to frenziedly suppress and capture believers. He permits the religious world’s blasphemy, resistance and condemnations. God does not strike down these people nor does He destroy them. Why is this? This is a mystery! Does this indicate God’s powerlessness or does it bear witness to God’s almightiness? We all say that it bears witness to God’s almightiness. Why do we say this? That is because God is not afraid of how you condemn or resist Him. God is not afraid of you no matter how many things you say, how many lies you speak and how savage your actions are. He allows you to do whatever you want. He allows Satan to oppress and tyrannize. Satan tells falsehood as it wishes, yet God is not afraid. He does not pay attention to any of this. What does this indicate? Since the conclusion of this step of God’s work is the destruction of mankind, before He destroys mankind, He must collect evidence and proof. Once He finishes doing this, then He can destroy mankind. God said that the God on earth is “instrumental … in seizing the facts to punish the wicked” (“How to Know the God on Earth” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). That is why, in order to collect evidence of the evil things that evil people do, He allows them to reveal themselves and demonstrate their true nature. Once they have finished revealing themselves, once the “tape recorder” has finished “recording,” then He will capture them in His net. What does this indicate? After the judgment work of the last days, God will do the work of concluding the age; if God does not have evidence, would He be able to complete this work? No, He would not. This is why God must allow Satan to act. The more savage and unrestrained Satan’s actions are, the more clearly everybody can see it for what it is. The truth would be publicly acknowledged and this evidence would be complete. If God directly destroyed the great red dragon before it resisted Almighty God and spread so many rumors, what consequences would be produced? What would the great red dragon say? “God is unjust. We have not done much evil, yet He destroys us.” Is that all? There is an even deeper matter. In the spiritual world, Satan would not be convinced. It would accuse God. That is why everything that God does must be done to convince people, to shut Satan’s mouth and put it to shame. These are the principles that God abides by. Did God know of all the evil things that the great red dragon would do and all the lies it would spread? God definitely knew that the great red dragon is resisting Him. How did God prophesy this matter? What is the purpose of God incarnating in China? It is to compete with the great red dragon. He wants to destroy the great red dragon. When God incarnated in China, the great red dragon would definitely launch a vicious counterattack. It savagely seeks to kill, resist and condemn God. What does God’s prophecy say? The great red dragon will be the first to be destroyed. Before the world gets destroyed, the great red dragon will be the first entity to be destroyed. What does this indicate? Before God incarnated in the flesh and did His work in the last days, He already knew of all these matters. God knew what the great red dragon would definitely do. That is why God first made these prophesies.
from Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life, Volume 142
Do you know what they are doing when the religious community still judges and brazenly attacks Almighty God now? To use a colloquial saying, it is called seeking death. Are they seeking death? Some people say they have not died now and that it is not good to die now and that to die later looks better. So, this death must have a moment and moments of death should be carefully chosen. Tell me, do you think it is appropriate for them to die now? If you let them die, how can others be revealed? There are many demons that have not yet come out and that must all come out. All those who resist and deny God will eventually stand up and resist. They will be thoroughly revealed and round up in one clean sweep. If one appears, you kill one; one appears and one is killed. Will the next one dare to show themselves? No one will dare show themselves. Do not kill them. Let them live a bit longer. As soon as those people see they will say: Oh! They resisted God and nothing happened. “It does not look like it really is God, so let’s resist too.” They will then stand up and resist. As soon as they resist and nothing happens, people will become even bolder: Oh, it looks like it isn’t really God. Let’s all resist. And so people will all stand up and after they have resisted, Satan and the demons will all be revealed. Is it not even better for God to deal with them all together? How is separating all according to their kind achieved? It has to go through the revealing of all kinds of things during a period of time. As soon as it is revealed, then each will be sorted according to their kind. Without the process of revealing, each cannot be sorted according to their kind. So there will be a big reveal in the final stage of God’s work. This process of revealing will sort each according to their kind. So when some people resist and judge Almighty God, God cannot fly into a rage because of the resistance of one person and kill them in one “flash.” If they are killed right away like that, those demons Satan will not dare to show their faces. When they are resisting and judging God, God is silent and hides secretly observing. Those demons look all around them but they do not see the existence of God and after resisting and nothing happening, it looks like it is not the true God and one after another they all stand up and everyone attacks and judges. When they have almost all been revealed, God starts to punish people and the disasters will come and in a flash they will die. But they will not be let die completely, and they will have to see why they die. So no matter what God does, it is all significant. He is not as people imagine. What God does is most wise and most meaningful. The order of what God does is also very clever, much cleverer than people are. People do things simply.
from “Only Through Knowing God’s Inherent Disposition to Be Righteous Can One Revere God” in Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (IX)
Now the religious community is starting to collapse. Why is the religious community starting to completely collapse? They have already crucified God again, committed sin and done evil. They should be cursed. There are facts and evidence. It is not a case of them just being confused by people and half believing, half doubting and things not having been done. Now their evil and their sins have already been committed, so they should die. There are some things where the way of God doing them differs to people’s. People’s way is to put you to death the moment you have done evil. God views putting someone to death as fixed and unchangeable, but that will not necessarily happen immediately. Why will they not be put to death immediately? We must let them see a fact and see the manifestation of God so that they will be forever cursed and forever punished. In the Age of Law, did Jesus let the leaders of Judaism die when they resisted Jesus and were enemies of Jesus? Did He let the chief priests and the scribes die? No. Why did He not let them die? To let them die then would be letting them off lightly. If these people from the religious community are let die, is that not letting them off lightly? For some people, to die is easier than to live. Living is more painful than death. If we let such people die then they are freed, so why not let them suffer more? We must let them suffer more. So we cannot let them die for the time being and must let them see a fact and see that the Almighty God that they resisted is the second coming of Jesus and then let them suffer punishment forever, face everlasting perdition and never be reborn as a person. This is more formidable. Look, isn’t God’s righteous disposition completely revealed in what He does? It is much greater than people can imagine. Their evil doing makes them have to be convinced sincerely and then makes them face everlasting perdition. This is even more formidable. If you do not know God’s disposition and always do things based people’s notions and imagination, then you are so stupid. It will not do for you to know God’s disposition too simply. Isn’t letting them die now not letting them off lightly? God’s arrangements are even better. Let them be buried and doomed eternally and send them to the eighteen layers of hell. Prior to this, let them first see the facts. This is the fulfillment of the words of the Book of Revelation. “And every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.” What does “they also which pierced him” mean? That is, those who pierced Him have not died and must still see Him. As soon as “must still see Him” is mentioned, it proves that those who crucify Christ again today cannot die and must see the manifestation of God before receiving their punishment. With regard to this matter, what further knowledge do we have of God’s disposition? God does things differently from people. God does things more profoundly, more meaningfully and more realistically. To know God’s disposition is not a simple thing. It is not alright for you to always replace knowledge of God with your notions. Your notions are not the truth, nor is your imagination the truth. Look at how God does things. That is more meaningful. God is the true and living God. He is also the almighty and wise God. So if you really thoroughly know what God does, you will see that that is the truth and can act as our eternal life. What such people gain is so rich. They will live more meaningfully.
from “Only People Who Stand Witness Have the Reality of the Truth” in Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (IX)
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