Kingdom Gospel Radio
📻📻📻10th #radioshow How to seek God’s footprints #GodsWords #appearance 8 am, 1pm, 10pm EST 12/5-15/5 Click Kingdom Gospel Radio to listen!
Dear brothers and sisters, now various prophecies have already been fulfilled. Disasters around the world become more and more severe and the churches become more and more desolate. Many true believers feel that the Lord must have come back. However, why haven’t we seen the Lord’s appearance till now? How should we seek God’s footprints and welcome the Lord’s return?
I believe all the brothers and sisters who truly believe in the Lord and thirst for God's appearance care about these questions. So for this reason we prepared this episode. Before we get started, let’s all quiet our heart, and listen to this hymn. May we receive light from God as to how to seek His footprints! We’ll be back after this!